Summary in English

Professor Lars Bo Langsted (born 1957). Candidatus Juris 1982, University of Aarhus. From 1982 to 1987 he worked at the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen. During the same period he lectured on Criminal Law at the University of Copenhagen and in the years 1984-1985 he was Assistant Public Prosecutor in the department of the special Public Prosecutor concerning Economic Crime.

From 1987 to 2000 Lars Bo Langsted worked at the Law Department at The Aarhus School of Business, first as Assistant and from 1991 as Associate Professor. Director of Juridisk Institut 1994-1997.

From 2000 to 2018 he has been a full professor in business law at the Aalborg University, where he was head of the Law Department (from January 1. 2008 to December 31. 2010). He has specialized in the regulations and liability of the Liberal Professions, the liability of company directors and in Economic Crime. He is (co-)author of several books and articles on the liabilities of Accountants, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Company Law.Since 2014 he has been Head of International Economic Crime and Cyber Crime Research Centre(IECC), Law Department, Aalborg University, and from 2016 he has been Research Coordinator of the Research group on Public Law.

From 2018 he has been professor emeritus

Titles include:

  • Criminal Law in Denmark (4th ed.,2014)
  • Rådgivning I - det professionelle erstatningsansvar [Counseling I - Professional liability in tort and contract] (2004)
  • Rådgivning II - det strafferetlige medvirkensansvar [Counseling II - Criminal Complicity] (2007)
  • Revisoransvar [Auditors liability] (8th. ed., 2013)
  • Hovedlinier i Erhvervsstrafferetten [Economic Crime - an outline] (2011)
  • Waaben Strafferettens specielle del [Waaben Criminal Law - Special Part] (6th. ed., 2014)
  • Waaben Strafferettens almindelige del [Waaben Criminal Law - General Part] (6th. ed. 2015)

He is co-editor of Revision & Regnskabsvæsen [Journal of auditing and accounting] and member of the editorial boards of Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret [Nordic Journal of Company Law] and of Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review. He has been chairman of the standing committee Revisorkommissionen (2001-2002) and in 1997 - 2004 member of the Governmental ad hoc committee on economic crime and computercrime. In 2004 he was co-founder of DCOF [Danish Council on Occupational Fraud] later DFmV (Dansk Forum mod Virksomhedskriminalitet - Danish Forum against Econimc Crime). From 2002-2009 He was chairman of the board of Hans Jensen Lubricators A/S, from 2013 he is member of the Board of Representatives of Tryghedsgruppen smba and from 2016 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the same company

Since 2006 he has been appointed as arbitrator

From 2008 to 2011 he has been a member of the Appeals Permission Board, appointed by her Majesty the Queen

In 2012 he was decorated with the silver cross of the Order of Dannebrog